Handrails and other railing systems within an exterior area are usually desired and often required for urban public spaces. No matter if the rail is for stairs, walkways leading to entrances or piers, it provides guidance and additional safety throughout the area. As they share many common goals in that manner, added lighting within railings only consolidates these characteristics while adding further aesthetics. While there are not a substantial variety of options when it comes to lighted handrails, there are usually two concepts that emerge. One is the lighting units being a structural part of the railing while the other is light modules being integrated into standard size handrails. HEPER’s HANDRA handrail lighting family, evolving around the latter concept, can be integrated within new or existing handrails. Brilliantly engineered, it can easily be integrated into standard handrails without requiring any special tools and its smart connection system makes electrical connection a breeze for the installers on the job site. Being equipped with a reflector based and highly advanced optical system, it provides pleasant illumination in exquisite uniformity without causing glare for the by passer. As always, bringing HEPER’s engineering capabilities along with material and finish quality to your projec