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Alphabet GAMMA 34 CEILING SHALLOW (34mm)

‘Gamma34 Ceiling Shallow ’... is a LED profile, made of an extruded aluminum, powder-coated with fine matte finish.With dark cover and assembled spotlight.

. Features:

• Available from 30cm up to 450cm.
• Selection of different spot lights ‘Giota 34’ , ‘Giota 40 Zoom’ , ‘Giota 65’ or ‘Giota 85’.
• Uplight in two different Lumen Output types (HE or HO).
• Two different CRi (80 or 90).
• Four different CCT (2700K, 3000K, 4000K or 6500K).
• Three different Optics / Diffusers (15° , 24° , 36°).
• On-Off or Dimmable version (Dali, Push Button, 1-10V or Bluetooth).
• Coming in White, Black, Grey or your Special RAL powder coated and in Special Decorative Black or Red Oxidation.
• L90 B10 @50.000h (Ta 24°).
• Flicker @100Hz<3

For more information click here
